It was familiar, not unpleasant, and soon revealed itself to be "Black Magic Woman," likely learned from the 1970 hit by Santana.
Black Magic Woman is a compilation album by blues-rock band Fleetwood Mac, released in 1971.
A third novel, a sequel to Black Magic Woman entitled Evil Ways, is in progress and scheduled for publication in 2009.
Black Magic Woman is scheduled for publication in January, 2008.
His composition "Gypsy Queen" became a hit for Santana in 1970 (see Black Magic Woman).
The film opens with the a title card and the sound of Carlos Santana's guitar solo from the song "Black Magic Woman".
Friends sometimes tease her, she went on, humming snatches of "Black Magic Woman" in her presence and asking her to turn their teachers into frogs.
Black Magic Woman (Epic 2004 - compilation)
Black Magic Woman - Peter Green.