Season two is produced by Magical Elves, the production company that created Project Runway and Top Chef, the shows on which Top Design's format is based.
Also, Magical Elves' Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz will also serve as executive producers for season two.
The production company behind the show was Magical Elves, the same company that produces Top Chef.
The show is produced by Magical Elves Productions, the same company that created Project Runway.
The show is produced by Magical Elves Productions, the same company that created and produces Top Chef.
The newly formed Magical Elves' first project was an elaborate reality show-as-thriller for ABC called "The Runner."
Ms. Zalaznick said that creating compelling reality television was a "weird, new production niche," and that the Magical Elves had mastered it.
Tonight's premiere of "Treasure Hunters" is the fourth Magical Elves show on television since December, when "Project Runway" began its second season.
The show was created by executive producer Ilene Chaiken and Magical Elves Productions, following the success of the television drama The L Word.
Produced by Magical Elves.