Within an hour of the city, you feel like you're in the Maine woods.
The Maine woods' ability to regenerate has allowed them to be cut two, three, even four times.
In search of the answer to that question, the author spent four years in the Maine woods watching them.
And alone in the Maine woods without power tools.
At three o'clock in the morning, the Maine woods were ominously dark and still.
The coming of the paper industry assured, however, that the Maine woods would remain unsettled for another century.
And she really wants you to feel part of her small, ever-changing family in the middle of the Maine woods.
Both read poetry at bedtime, love the Maine woods, have perfect teeth and appear much more conservative than they actually are.
The idea was to gather the country's best young artists and provide them with two months in the Maine woods to make and discuss art.
It was looking like a very long six-mile walk through the western Maine woods, all in all.