This staff was later incorporated in several Malay people martial arts such as Silat.
Islamic culture has had a profound influence on the Malay people, but has also been influenced by them.
Ever since then, the Malay people of this region have wanted to get their independence back, or to join Malaysia as a state.
As a result Islamic mythology shaped the myth among Malay people.
It is considered sacred because it was believed as the homeland of Malay people.
Outlying villages are populated by Malay people, mainly paddy and fruit farmers.
By the 15th and 16th centuries it was the majority faith of the Malay people.
Produced by the Malay people, brum dates back thousands of years.
There's the Chinese component, which is the majority today, but also a large Indian population and the indigenous Malay people.
This is in recognition of the Malay people as the indigenous community in Singapore.