"Keling" is a Malay term for people of Indian origin, nowadays considered offensive but was not so regarded historically.
The Malay term 'Bomba' is borrowed from the Portuguese word bombeiros which carries the same meaning.
He even describes himself as a 'kentang', a Malay term, to describe someone who is very Westernised.
The Malay term for them is orang asli, or aborigines.
Malay term for a snakehead (fish)
The Malay term for "five foot way", kaki lima (literally translated as only "five foot"), is also used generally to refer to corridors or verandas, regardless of their width.
"Keling" is a Malay term for people of Indian origin, nowadays considered offensive but not so considered at the time when the mosque was built.
The Malay term for them is orang asli, or original people.
Pelesit is a Malay term for an inherited spirit or demon which serves a master.
The Malay term for schools providing secondary education is sekolah menengah, translated as "secondary school" in English.