Godshalk uses Malay words extensively in the book.
It is also an Indonesian and Malay word for "circle".
Pendekar or pandikar is a Malay word used to refer to or address masters of the martial arts, particularly silat.
Danau is the Indonesian and Malay word for lake and can be found in topography.
They have in their language, and frequently use, Malay imported words for attack, fight, war, to quarrel, and to be angry.
While English is widely used, many Malay words have become part of common usage in informal English or Manglish.
Most of the Malay words could be clearly understood from context, either through text or with the accompanying illustrations.
Utara is the Indonesian and Malay word for north and can be found in topography.
Their name is derived from the Malay words "orang hutan," which literally mean "person of the forest."
Merdeka is the Indonesian or Malay word for freedom or independence.