Abu Sayyaf, a tiny breakaway rebel band, seized the vacationers, along with several local workers, from the a Malaysian island on April 23.
Recently, a sea cucumber aquaculture operation was opened on the shores of several Malaysian islands to increase the gamat supply.
Yet the Malaysian island of Tioman, 20 miles off the east coast of the peninsula, offers little else.
Group of American commandos goes for the mission of saving American politicians who were kidnapped and are hold on forgotten Malaysian island.
On the Malaysian island of Langkawi, tourism officials say hotel occupancy has dropped to 10 percent, from a more typical 75 percent.
The plant is located in the Malaysian island of Labuan.
Many of them are illegal immigrants on the Malaysian island.
The stratojet dropped down toward the Malaysian island that was covered by the city of Singapore.
Reports of this species from the Malaysian island of Langkawi represent a different, although similar, taxon.
Overcoming the biggest improbability of all, the family was reunited on a Malaysian island six weeks later.