They also failed to made public or given to the Malaysian lawyers the medical report, resulting in their lawyer, Fakrul apply to discharge himself from the case.
He quoted an unnamed Malaysian lawyer as saying such cases normally took at least five years to reach a court.
Tan Sri Mohtar Abdullah was a Malaysian lawyer and judge.
Co-conspirators pose as Malaysian "lawyers" or medical professionals to verify the story and the supposed urgent need for cash.
He is a Malaysian lawyer turned actor of Indian/Syrian Christian descent.
Therefore some Malaysian lawyers are concerned to examine the prospects for Islamisation of this field of law:
Karim Raslan, a Malaysian lawyer and writer who traveled to Washington recently on a Fulbright scholarship, put it this way.
Yeap Ghim Guan (1941 - March 12, 2007) is a Malaysian British-trained lawyer and politician.
Uthayakumar s/o Ponnusamy (born 7 November 1961) is a Malaysian lawyer of Tamil origin.
Dato' Param Cumaraswamy is a high-profile Malaysian lawyer from Kuala Lumpur.