Although now found on the menu all over Malaysia, and also in Malaysian restaurants around the world, it remains an extremely difficult dish to replicate.
It will be the Cheahs' fifth Malaysian restaurant in the last five years.
They loved the neighborhood, where four Malaysian restaurants were within delivery distance.
A bistro in the Hohenort house is being converted to a Malaysian restaurant.
The dish is found mostly in Malaysian restaurants in the West, but people along the strait know it has a more complex pedigree.
Most Malaysian restaurants also have it on the menu.
(Bentara, a Malaysian restaurant owned by the same team, is across the street.)
Malaysian restaurants superior to this one are not hard to find anymore, including Penang in Flushing.
"We had all kinds of food," he said, adding that a Malaysian restaurant was his next project.
I know of only one other Malaysian restaurant in the state.