He began writing "Mambo Mouth" in August 1989.
I was certainly both before "Mambo Mouth," and its existence does not suddenly make me a Latin oracle.
Mambo Mouth 1990.
His newest one-man show makes good on the intoxicating promise of "Mambo Mouth," his first.
"Spic-o-Rama" aims significantly higher than "Mambo Mouth," which was a series of unrelated portraits.
You did your first solo show, "Mambo Mouth," with him in 1990.
"Mambo Mouth" taps into just a few corners of the Hispanic universe, but it does so with astonishing energy and insight.
If "Mambo Mouth" had an underlying theme, it was the warping effects of a mindless machismo ethic on Hispanic life.
(44 Walker Street) It was during this period that he developed portions of the play that would become Mambo Mouth.
Much more skillfully performed than it is written, "Mambo Mouth" is at once funny and savage in its reinforcement of negative stereotypes.