These figures placed Manchester Square as the fourth-blackest community in Los Angeles County.
In terms of pure pleasure, the renovated Wallace Collection in Manchester Square has had few rivals this summer.
Said to be the daughter of an unspecified noblewoman, she was supposedly young, wealthy and living in fashionable Manchester Square.
The Bassington town house, like the other two residences on the east side of Manchester Square, had a steep slate roof.
She made it back to Manchester Square in less than twenty minutes.
In 1814-15 Manchester Square became briefly famous, when newspapers reported that a pig-faced woman was living there.
Manchester Square, west of Bentinck street, has a central private garden with handsome plane trees, laid out in 1776.
They were in Fitzhardinge Street, off Manchester Square.
In Manchester Square, I saw a crew filming a commercial, and the director was wearing - Ka-ching!
Very well," said his mother, "we can go to Manchester Square on our way home.