The color yellow was restricted for use only by the Manchu rulers of China during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).
The Manchu rulers of China outlawed the Shaolin monks, and we scattered to many places.
However, the Manchu ruler did not wish to take sides in the ongoing conflict.
Within a few months the couple went to China, and they barely escaped the unrest that soon toppled the Manchu rulers.
The Han Chinese people resisted the order and the Manchu rulers struck back with deadly force, massacring all who refused to shave their hair.
The Manchu rulers of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) were wise enough to adopt Chinese ways.
This covers the political history of the first Manchu rulers, from Nurhaci to the Qianlong Emperor.
On the other hand, the Manchu rulers were at great pains to remain distinct.
This omission is thought to have been made in order to avoid offending the Manchu rulers of the Qing Dynasty.
The Manchu rulers objected to census-taking, or at least to census-publication, lest the Chinese might recognize their strength and grow restless.