The Manhattan Theater Club production will be directed by Lynne Meadow, the artistic director.
The Manhattan Theater Club production is set in an English country home on the night of the Labor Party's landslide victory in 1945.
What follows sticks fairly close to the form of the Manhattan Theater Club production, with a few substitutes in the lineup of songs.
Carson Elrod ("Reckless") plays the lead in this Manhattan Theater Club production.
Previews of this Manhattan Theater Club production begin Jan. 29.
Previews of the Manhattan Theater Club production begin May 6.
Joe Mantello directs the Manhattan Theater Club production.
A Manhattan Theater Club production, it opens Tuesday at City Center, 131 West 55th Street.
On Tuesday, a musical version, of all things, opens for a limited run in a Manhattan Theater Club production at City Center.
Nearly 250,000 people saw Manhattan Theater Club productions last season, up from 150,000 six years ago.