She then headed back to India, fortified with a $10,000 grant from a Mr. Schell, a Manhattan banker, in memory of his wife.
One of these, a former Manhattan banker in prison for larceny, used his financial and political connections to instigate a rigged "investigation" of Osborne's administration.
"It's infuriating," said Edward Ruhl, a Manhattan banker who drives in from the farm country near the Pennsylvania line.
All over Lower Manhattan energetic young bankers, brokers and analysts spill out of Wall Street firms and into long black limousines.
Small-town banks, with limited capital, were hopelessly inadequate before the scale of the emerging new economy; only Manhattan bankers had the large capital pools to effect these mergers.
During the Second World War Bruère used his position as a Manhattan banker to coordinate relief committees for the people of France and Britain.
Ida Scudder took her M.D. at Cornell University in 1899, then headed back to India, fortified with a $10,000 gift from a Manhattan banker.
But, said Paul Amador, the 39-year-old Manhattan banker who is buying the house:
FOR many Manhattan bankers, brokers and lawyers who returned to work last week, the mission was to show the world they had not been stopped.
Sheharbano Ali, a Manhattan banker, 32 when she signed up for the Marathon des Sables, a six-day run across the Sahara.