He hopes to find space soon for another Manhattan shop and, meanwhile, he is continuing to accommodate a few longtime customers.
Prices are those paid in various Manhattan shops.
"The better the quality, the faster it goes," said Ms. Fluhr of Michael, the Manhattan shop.
A sampling of current sales at some Manhattan shops found plenty of desirable, low-priced pickings left from the fall and holiday seasons.
They hope to open a second Manhattan shop in a few months with a Trumper-trained barber.
He later spent five years in the Manhattan shop of the highly respected Rene Morel.
She said she had been a "closet" collector for 20 years, since she first roamed Manhattan shops in search of dolls.
This showed that the Poloyo skull and the one from the Manhattan shop were one and the same.
Somehow Julia had heard gossip about Louis' involvement with a salesgirl from a Manhattan shop.
The Manhattan shop opened in 2005.