The exemption is not available in Manhattan south of 96th Street.
The agreement announced yesterday would slash all tax breaks for new construction in Manhattan south of 96th Street.
It would probably cost $10 a day - or $300 a month - to drive into Manhattan south of 59th Street.
The bill would lift the cap in all areas outside Manhattan south of 110th Street.
The company provides gas to one million customers and in Manhattan south of 96th Street, supplies about 2,000 with steam from electricity production.
Every day, approximately 758,000 vehicles enter Manhattan south of 60th Street.
Delivery in Manhattan south of 96th Street is available for $12.
During rush hours, cars were not permitted in Manhattan south of 96th Street without at least one passenger.
In fact, it only serves Manhattan south of 96th Street.
He said some pipes in the system, which serves Manhattan south of 96th Street, are nearly 100 years old.