Authentic Maori culture is never more visible than on the East Coast.
Therefore Maori culture incorporates strong links between objects and spirituality.
Gift giving was a different matter in Maori culture.
"The uniqueness of Maori culture is something of international interest," she said.
You'll also be enchanted by the warmth of its people, the power of Maori culture and the quality of the country's food and wines.
Attempts were made to promote race relations by educating young Pakeha teachers about Maori culture.
A number of the lights were inspired by Maori culture and indigenous New Zealand flora.
He's an important figure in the local Maori culture, and there was some unease about a non-Maori filmmaker telling his story.
In Maori culture, poi performance is usually practiced by women.
Maori culture being negatively impacted by Food Bill 160-2.