Most stories of inter-racial romance at this time ended unhappily but this one finished with a white man marrying a Maori woman.
For Maori women, the picture is even more acute: they comprise around 60% of the female prison population.
Many Maori women wear these pendants, particularly the fishhook, symbolizing abundance and the continuity of family from generation to generation.
I think even the fact that we have a Maori woman who is the CEO of a hospital is in itself radical.
The caretaker, a middle-aged Maori woman, told me that the only organized cultural tours in the region were led by someone who was away that week.
Bayler starred as a young journalist who falls in love with a Maori woman.
Most Maori women be too big for me, towering above, but this one be a perfect fit.
'There is no Maori woman who sings like a crow,' I reply, smiling.
Graham, an unhappily married surveyor, goes on a job to New Zealand where he falls in love with a Maori woman.
On a trip to the Taranaki area in 1878 he met members of his tribe and a young Maori woman Hinemoa.