Margery Fish and her husband Walter Fish bought East Lambrook Manor in 1937 for £1000.
Like Margery Fish, Cassandra Danz has a husband named Walter.
Margery Fish (née Townshend) (1892-1969) was an English gardener and gardening writer, who exercised a strong influence on the informal cottage garden style.
Margery Fish became an avid galanthophile or snowdrop enthusiast.
A recent US appreciation of East Lambrook and Margery Fish.
A 2007 BBC radio programme on Margery Fish.
The garden was planted by Margery Fish from 1938 until her death in 1969.
Among its contributors was Margery Fish, who went on to develop her own style of labour-saving cottage gardening.
Another influence was Margery Fish (1892-1969), whose garden survives at East Lambrook Manor.
The trend continued in the gardening of Margery Fish at East Lambrook Manor.