They're Mariners fans or Orioles fans.
The Mariners fans, who helped induce that condition, didn't really get a break from cheering in the early innings.
Mariners fans since 2006 have also had a friendship with the supporters of Belgian side Eendracht Aalst.
Well liked by Mariners fans, Davis held most of the franchise's offensive team records until the advent of Ken Griffey Jr., Edgar Martinez and Alex Rodriguez.
Down 5-4 in the 11th inning of that decisive game, Martínez hit a two-run double (called "The Double" by Mariners fans) off Jack McDowell, winning the game for the Mariners, 6-5.
Mariners fans throughout the Pacific Northwest have been very loyal and devoted to me.
Ayala struggled mightily over the next few seasons, often blowing key saves and drawing criticism from Mariners fans and the Seattle press.
"It doesn't bother me," he said, discussing the importance his teammates and Mariners fans place on his games.
Mariners fans at Safeco Field have been known to express approval and or disapproval by engaging in the "moose call."
Mariners fans greeted his return with a standing ovation.