The other covered 18 yards to Mark Hansen.
"Mr. Bruno did not want to end the regular session and leave it unresolved," said one of the majority leader's aides, Mark Hansen.
"That's not correct at all," said Mark Hansen, a spokesman for Senator Bruno.
Mark Hansen, an assistant United States attorney involved in the case, declined to comment on the reports of the new charges.
Mark Hansen and Ben Rubin can answer this Zen-like riddle.
Her lawyer, Mark Hansen, declined to comment.
"The case is about cheating," said Mark Hansen, an assistant United States attorney on the case.
"Perjury and obstruction of justice are very serious crimes," said Mark Hansen, an assistant United States attorney.
Den Danske Pioneer was founded in 1872 by Mark Hansen.
He threw a 6-yard scoring pass to Mark Hansen and also ran 4 yards for another 6 points.