The series was executive-produced by Mark McKinney from The Kids in the Hall.
He is frequently in conflict with his parents, played by Mark McKinney (father) and Dave Foley (mother).
Cast member Mark McKinney wrote an episode of Sports Night.
"I liked the characters and liked that it was kind of based on Marvin's life," said showrunner Mark McKinney.
Mark McKinney left at the end of the season.
Mark McKinney played a half-human half-chicken who is completely oblivious to how freakish and terrifying people find her.
This would be the final season for Mark McKinney and Fred Wolf.
Mark McKinney s first video from his sophmore release Middle America....
Mark McKinney s follow up single to his first hit Comfortable in This Skin.
Mark McKinney packs the streets in his hometown of Big Spring Texas.