Mark Rey, the under secretary of agriculture who oversees the Forest Service, said his agency was "carefully reviewing the decision" and had not decided whether to appeal.
Mr. Schlickeisen said the proposal had been shaped by Mark Rey, the under secretary of agriculture for natural resources and environment.
Mark Rey, of the American Forest Resource Alliance, a timber industry group, accused the Administration of lying about the job loss.
Mark Rey, under secretary for natural resources and environment in the Agriculture Department, which oversees the forest service, said Mr. Preston's complaint was with the Clinton administration.
Mark Rey, the assistant secretary of agriculture who oversees the Forest Service, said adversaries in the debates should learn to trust each other and the government.
Mark Rey, former timber industry lobbyist, was the undersecretary for natural resources and agriculture in the federal government of the United States under the Bush administration.
Mark Rey is from Canton, Ohio.
"Our approach will protect roadless values," Mark Rey, the under secretary of agriculture in charge of the Forest Service, said in a conference call on Thursday.
The official is Mark Rey, under secretary for natural resources and environment in the Agriculture Department.
"The only place that a fair balance can be struck is in Congress," said Mark Rey, vice president of the American Forest Products Association.