Mark Siegel, a company spokesman, said Mr. Robinson was not authorized to speak for the company, but declined to comment further.
Mark Siegel of A.T.&T. would not say how many interpreters were under contract for this service.
The book, written with Mark Siegel, was published in February 2008.
Mark Siegel, spokesman for AT&T Wireless, said the company would press ahead with an appeal of the recent court ruling.
Mark Siegel, a managing director, said the firm had sensed there was customer interest in longer maturities.
Mr. Burton's immediate problems today centered on the accusations of the lobbyist, Mark Siegel.
Mark Siegel, a computer programmer in Miami, has taken to ransacking his closets for items to offer on Ebay.
"We're not trying to fix any international disputes with a phone bill," said Mark Siegel, an AT&T spokesman.
The rate increases are "part of an ongoing effort to align prices with expenses," Mark Siegel, a spokesman for the company's consumer services division, said.
For Mark Siegel, the first sign of trouble was the giant inflatable rat.