Some of these show early visits by Europeans, sometimes in such detail that Martini-Henry rifles can be identified.
His bodyguard and banner-bearers followed him at the same wild gallop, firing their Martini-Henry rifles into the air.
Some of these record the early years of European explorers and settlers, sometimes in such detail that Martini-Henry rifles can be identified.
One is the Martini-Henry rifle, used by the British army between 1871 and 1891.
A few of them were armed with ancient Martini-Henry rifles, probably those with which Rhodes had paid the king for his concession.
"I can get Martini-Henry rifles but they will cost us fifteen hundred more."
Consequently the Martini-Henry rifle, which was favoured by the majority of colonial units, continued in use until about 1910.
Dravot can pass as a native, and they have twenty Martini-Henry rifles (then perhaps the best in the world).
The Martini-Henry rifle was a powerful weapon and the men were experienced.
They are visited by two evil-looking men with an ancient Martini-Henry rifle, riding a horse.