It is the fourth Marvel series released under the title Spider-Woman.
He was group editor of the Marvel 2099 series from 1992 until 1996 before returning to DC.
These new Hasbro-published issues were designed to take place in-between the panels of the Marvel series.
This one-shot reprinted issues 76-80 of the Marvel series.
Generations is a series that reprints key or best-of issues from the Marvel series but with new cover art.
This series lasted for 35 issues, until it was canceled along with many other Marvel series in 1995.
Following the conclusion of the Marvel series the character had no regular comic book publisher for a number of years.
Although no Swoop toy was made for Generation 2, he did appear in the Marvel comic series.
The Iron Grenadiers are not seen again for the remainder of the Marvel series.
The new Marvel series started in December 1981 and ended in November 1982.