Resnick listed his primary research interests as Marxian theory and economic history and development.
Ernest Mandel offers a Marxian theory which differs from orthodox Marxism stage theory.
Westra, Richard: Marxian economic theory and an ontology of socialism: A Japanese intervention.
In Marxian economic theory, this dynamic is called the law of value.
He rejected significant parts of Marxian theory that were based upon Hegelian metaphysics, he rejected the Hegelian dialectical perspective.
In Marxian theory, variable capital refers to a capitalist's investment in labor-power, seen as the only source of surplus-value.
With The Society of the Spectacle, Debord attempted to provide the Situationist International (SI) with a Marxian critical theory.
As a scholar, he studied the philosophy of the social sciences (especially the application of hermeneutics to economics) and Comparative Economic Systems (especially Marxian theories of socialism).
It is not to be confused with profit in finance and accounting, which is equal to revenue minus only explicit costs, and superprofit, a concept in Marxian economic theory.
Some Marxian theories of imperialism extend this kind of structural theory of exploitation further, positing exploitation of poor countries by rich capitalist ones (or by transnational corporations).