More generally, writers have propounded Marxist and feminist interpretations of contract.
In recent years, however, we recognize this charge as the keystone of the Marxist interpretation of the history of science.
Soboul's Marxist interpretation has been largely abandoned by most historians since the 1990s.
Furet was the leading figure in the rejection of the "classic" or "Marxist" interpretation.
Wisdom's physical humor, rooted in music halls, transcended cultural boundaries, making it easily accessible and open to Marxist interpretation.
Final News Item: the paper typically ends with a Marxist interpretation and response to a world event.
Focht was philosopher of phenomenological orientation, who in the early works departed from the Marxist and psychological interpretations of art.
A Marxist interpretation of Epicurus, the Epicurean movement, and its opponents.
They make it difficult to equate the social tensions in the countryside with the economic processes at the heart of the Marxist interpretation.
Kramer, a leading cultural conservative, has long deprecated Marxist interpretations of art.