They maintained, however, the principle that only the Fourth International, as a consciously Marxist organization of the working class can lead the world revolution.
The following Marxist organizations are ordered by their year of founding, from earliest to latest.
Opposition to the war in Sri Lanka was orchestrated by Marxist organizations.
Internal conflict in Peru (1980-present) Comprised two rebellions by two different Marxist organizations.
The first nominally Marxist organisation was the Social Democratic Federation, founded in 1882.
A Marxist organization claimed responsibility for the killing, calling it its latest strike against Americans.
They're a Marxist organization directed out of Damascus.
Marxist organizations both within and beyond Germany that were instigating fierce resistance to "Prussianism" grew rapidly in the late 19th century.
The People's Liberation Front began as an underground Marxist organization in the late 1960's.
For some years it was arguably the largest Marxist organization in the northeast of the US.