However, the Marxist position is no more verifiable even if it constitutes a more rounded explanation.
Go back to, to a Marxist position.
The idea that certain analyses of literature reject aestheticism is, in fact, a fairly crude parody of the Marxist and feminist positions.
He dismissed suggestions that the group had not, as it claims, moved on from the Marxist positions of its past.
This has some affinity with the Marxist position.
The Leninist theory of capitalist expansionism is generally considered to be the orthodox Marxist position.
The announcement appeared exceptional only because it came against the backdrop of a movement away from classic Marxist positions.
From the 1970s, Pirjevec gradually left his previous Marxist positions.
The Marxist position starts from the premise that modern medicine must be seen as part of the capitalist mode of production.
The main difference between the radical and Marxist positions revolves around the issue of medical power.