The judgment accused Kirchner of having "treasonably rooted herself in the evilest Marxist high-treason propaganda".
Pointed references were made to the ornately fashioned Moscow subway system as the inspiration for what some saw as Marxist propaganda beneath the streets.
Critics viewed them as Marxist propaganda.
Soon to be a roving reporter, for the BBC (Your not so friendly Marxist propaganda channel).
Marxist propaganda depicted Buddhism as superstition, and religion was looked upon as a means of hostile foreign infiltration, as well as an instrument of the 'ruling class'.
Former DINA director Gen. (retd) Manuel Contreras declared on television that the report was "Marxist propaganda".
His first book of poems, Raiz de Orvalho, was published in 1983; it included texts aimed against the dominance of Marxist militant propaganda.
"It's hard-line Marxist propaganda posing as news."
He told the Attorney General: "Mr. Robinson should not be permitted to propagate Marxist propaganda under the cover of academic independence."
In a July 28, 2008 op-ed in The Washington Times, he wrote that he regretted his youthful anti-war activism, calling it the result of "Marxist propaganda."