It has almost no support in western states, and it is still a pariah in the political establishment, where leaders of other parties compete to denounce the party for its Marxist roots.
The representative of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a group with Marxist roots, displayed a picture of Ché Guevara and a single English word: freedom.
He was the first leader not to be a former combatant and he took the party towards the centre, away from its Marxist roots.
By then, another young author, Petre Pandrea, was shedding light on Sanielevici's Marxist roots, and declaring himself inspired by the critique of "reactionary" Poporanism, but also deploring his rejection of "peasantist" politics.
The group has Marxist roots.
Like many critical applications, critical psychology has expanded beyond Marxist and feminist roots to benefit from other critical approaches.
While Mr. Lagos's party has Marxist roots, he has been a leader of its moderate wing.
What about the marxist roots of Barrack Hussein Obama?
Haywood demonstrated his Marxist roots when, confronted by the Commission on Industrial Relations with an argument about the sanctity of private property, he responded that a capitalist's property merely represented "unpaid labor, surplus value."
Van Gennep cited the incompatibility between their Marxist roots and the political positions of Livable Netherlands - especially on matters like immigration policy - as the reason behind the split.