(As it turned out, the incumbent, Mathieu Kérékou, a Marxist former military ruler, won).
The Marxist rulers of Southern Yemen, in contrast, have promoted a secular culture since they won independence from Britain 23 years ago.
To stay in power, the Marxist rulers of this land, officially classified by the World Bank as the poorest on earth, have turned to the West for food and to the East for guns.
President Reagan's unsavory list was topped by Daniel Ortega, Marxist ruler of Nicaragua.
It runs several paramilitary operations as well, including assistance to the contras, the rebels fighting the Marxist rulers in Nicaragua, and assistance to the rebels in Afghanistan.
DR. HARRIS is justified in being suspicious of the programs and policies of the Ethiopian Marxist rulers.
Like their leader, many were veterans of the period before the Soviet entry into the war in 1979, when fighting was already under way between the rebels and the Marxist rulers in Kabul.
As for Reagan's invasion of Grenada, to rescue that tiny island from the Stalinist thugs who murdered its Marxist ruler, Maurice Bishop--that was American aggression.
That's because Angola's former Marxist rulers turned to Cuba and the Soviet Union for military aid.
The Marxist former military ruler of Benin appeared headed for a comeback today after the country's second multiparty presidential election, according to partial unofficial results.