A Maryland woman, a minor political figure, has just been charged with trying to hire a hit man to dispose of her husband.
"It's gone from bad to worse," the Maryland woman said of her health.
And the Maryland woman, who is 45 and who would not let her name be used, said she did not believe she had the virus.
Another Goldmen customer was a Maryland woman who lost the $25,000 nest egg she planned to use to pay for her daughter's wedding.
As of 2010, the Maryland women held a perfect record against Hopkins, having won all eleven meetings by a combined margin of 185-88.
A Maryland woman in her early 50's seemed to break a bone every time she bumped into something.
"I have never had a role model until now," a Maryland woman wrote.
He escaped while on a weekend furlough in 1986 and later raped a Maryland woman and stabbed her fiance.
An Adamstown, Maryland woman called the paper and insisted that "this trash about the Dwayyo be stopped."
If ever there was a perfect person to test for a newly discovered colon cancer gene, it was a 50-year-old Maryland woman named Candace.