Mason chuckled, then said thoughtfully, "Why the devil did Ashton want it so Clammert could go to that safety deposit box?"
Mason chuckled with the air of a man contemplating a very pleasant joke.
Mason chuckled and said, "Probably Duncan got to peering at the district attorney through the lower part of his bifocals and holding stuff out at arm's length to read, and they realized what a rotten impression that would make on the witness stand."
Mason chuckled and said, "Anyone who can slip one over on Hettley and Hettley is entitled to it.
We had her on the run and then..." Mason chuckled and said, "You don't know your red-heads, Paul.
Else the river will be too foul for drinking-" Mason chuckled.
Mason chuckled and said, "Go on."
Mason chuckled, and said, "I think the cops have overlooked a bet there.
Mason chuckled.
Mason chuckled and the district attorney said acidly, "There's no occasion for humor, Mr. Mason."