Armstrong states in his autobiography, however, that he was a member of the Knights of Pythias, which is not a Masonic group.
DeMolay International, a youth fraternity sponsored by Masonic groups, requires a belief in deity.
Soon he was doing numbers with a cane and top hat for Masonic groups.
Other Masonic groups organise differently.
Among them were Masonic groups, abortion-rights organizations, the Hemlock Society and groups promoting church reforms.
It was built by a Masonic Temple Association formed from 14 Masonic groups.
Home of a Masonic group that is the oldest in the state.
The lodge is not recognized by Masonic groups abroad.
The Masonic group used the building's second floor as a lodge and leased the first floor as post office until 1960.
It specifically forbids Roman Catholics from seeking membership in any Masonic group.