They were reasoning together, till, presently, in a rage, the Master of the Templars drew his sword and dashed it down upon the table.
As the Masters, the year's first major, draws near, is Woods feeling more pressure?
The Master had not drawn breath.
As the Master drew the glove over his hand and down his arm to the elbow, Beauty felt herself flooded with heat and excitement.
Eventually the Master gave up trying to drive the needle past Blade's guard and drew back.
At last the Master stopped his attacks and drew back.
Master, steel tubing Columbus nivachrome "Gilco" drawn in "star shape."
My Master drew close and, turning my head roughly towards him, kissed both my eyelids.
Yes, Master, and therefore if I drew the chain off his neck, it would still have been on the ropes.
Michael was not entirely surprised when the Master drew him aside after his lesson to speak with him.