It gives a hint to the richness and grandeur of ancient Mauryan empire.
Thus, this defensive settlement originated prior to the Mauryan empire.
The Shimoga region formed a part of the Mauryan empire during the 3rd century.
The district was once under the vast Mauryan empire during the rule of Ashoka, followed by Sathavahanas.
It was established after the fall of the Indian Mauryan empire.
The Mauryan empire supplied western countries with Indigo and other medicinal substances, cotton, silk.
In both art and architecture, the Mauryan empire constituted a landmark.
Further more, it is unlikely that there was sufficient national consciousness among the varied people of the Mauryan empire.
She attributes the decline of the Mauryan empire to its highly centralized administration which called for rulers of exceptional abilities to function well.
He was also credited with introducing the culture of the Mauryan empire to the island, along with its architecture.