Most games were played in June, though May games have been scheduled since 2005.
Now, after a summer of recuperation, he said he is bothered that the May 24 game was never completed.
On 8 May 1954 games resumed, with a 1-0 loss against Romania.
But there apparently are no lingering feelings from the May 17 game.
Robert admitted having received $45,000 to play poorly in the May 20 game, won by Marseille, 1-0.
Torborg was fired after the May 10 game, and Willis made his first start four days later.
During the streak, he recorded his first career save in a May 17 game against the Angels.
The May 6 game was also notable in that both teams used a position player to pitch in relief, the first time since 1925.
The May 3 game will be at night.
The pitching schedule is basically set through a May 13 game at Boston.