Mayan names for this species are wol-poch (Gaige, 1936) and uol-poch (Schmidt and Andrews, 1936).
The nickname was as close as I came to a Mayan name.
I do not know its Mayan name and number.
The Mayan name for the constellation Scorpio was also 'scorpion', while the name of the constellation Gemini was 'peccary'.
For traditional Mayan names, which are based on calendar days, often birthdays.
The traditional Mayan name for this bee is Xunan kab, literally meaning "royal lady".
"But we're to call him by his Mayan name -Quetzal."
It is so called because of the large number of bats living in caves in the nearby cliffs (the original Mayan name was Pa'Chan).
The Mayan name for the area was Zaklohpakab.
Its mayan name is Tzu'luma.