The band took time off from recording in mid-2009 to perform on various tours including the 2009 Mayhem Festival.
It is now the yearly host to the Mayhem Festival.
On March 18, the band was announced to be playing Mayhem Festival 2013.
The tour started with the Mayhem Festival 2008.
Critics noted the band's energy and on-stage presence during their Mayhem Festival sets.
Whitechapel are set to play the entire Mayhem Festival 2012.
Wednesday 13 spent the duration of the Mayhem Festival promoting the bands new album.
It will be the first year that the Mayhem Festival will have four stages.
However, because the band was excited about Mayhem Festival and the album, that they decided to go all out to make an excellent video.
Slayer headlined the second Mayhem Festival in the summer of 2009.