The Legislature has balked at the governor's plan to more than double the number of charter schools in the state, a priority of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg's.
Among the funds drawn upon so far are not only the city's initial $24 million contribution, but also Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg's $15 million.
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg says Con Ed "in fairness, has done a good job."
When it comes to describing the government he oversees, among Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg's favorite adjectives are transparent and open.
It says that the arrangement put forth by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who is also the foundation chairman, will be "just a cold, random list of names."
Also at the lectern were Lynne Cheney and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, neither of whom happen to live there.
Is Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg afraid of the outcome of reasonable and sober reflection?
At that ceremony, presided over by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, the only hint of the dispute was on the plaque, affixed to the bulkhead, memorializing the victims.
On April 11, 2009, Poway's Mayor Michael "Mickey" Cafagna died due to complications resulting from kidney cancer.
Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani is thinking of running, and current Mayor Michael.