The letter turns out to be from the commissar, and instructs the Mayor to allow his son to marry Hanna.
They vowed not to make "personal attacks," saying the Mayor would not allow that.
That's not the kind of loyalty a Mayor can allow himself to have.
"I just can't believe the Mayor would allow this to happen."
The oath you take says it all: I see and hear only what the Mayor and my charges allow me to.
Instead, the Mayor kept the price down, and allowed the radio studios to stay in the Municipal Building rent-free for now.
The Mayor allows that Camden's prime problem is not the state but the earlier devastation of its tax base.
It remained unclear yesterday whether the Mayor would allow the society such a broad role in the future.
Mayor of London believes that Greece should be left to go bankrupt and allowed write off many of its debts.
The Senator said the Mayor, intimidated by black protesters, had allowed the city to be held "hostage" to "racial racketeers."