Salta's Mayor blamed "the usual agitators" for the fire.
Mayor, if that happens, don't blame just the hustlers - blame too those who by silence signified at least tacit agreement.
The Mayor believes that too few students are graduating on time and blames what he describes as a failed system of delivering remedial education.
If some withdrew from this process don't blame the process, blame the Mayor.
The Mayor blames Mrs. Hauhuth's administration for the original problem.
In the aftermath of this event, the Mayor blamed the entire incident on the unaccustomed richness of the coffee.
In his speech, the Mayor blamed "a social workers' philosophy" against keeping mentally ill people in institutions for now leaving many of them without care.
Mayor Blames Parents He stopped short of endorsing a takeover of the 50,000-student system.
The Mayor blamed the immigration service for the scant applications.
The powerful Mayor of Moscow blamed the Russian Government.