Mr. Lynch said the Mayor had not campaigned more vigorously for the taxes before because he did not want it to be an issue in last week's election.
The Mayor has been campaigning hard in recent weeks, making public appearances and trying to raise money.
But the Mayor also campaigned hard among Reagan Democrats, many of whom are Catholic, on behalf of Mr. Clinton, who is committed to abortion rights.
From Mario M. Cuomo last year to Guy V. Molinari Tuesday night, none of the politicians for whom the Mayor has campaigned seriously have actually won a race.
What if George E. Pataki were to win after the Mayor, a fellow Republican, had campaigned exhaustively against him?
But he said the Mayor campaigned on promises of safer schools.
The Mayor campaigned vigorously in black neighborhoods today, cautioning his supporters against complacency.
None of the politicians for whom the Mayor has campaigned seriously have actually won a race.
Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Vacco are both Republicans, and the Mayor campaigned for the Attorney General's re-election last month.
The Mayor of Rafaela, Omar Perotti, campaigned for some time as well, but finally gave up and turned to support Bielsa.