The Mayor has also challenged the board's predictions that teachers will have to be laid off to help close a $250 million budget deficit.
But the Mayor, marching yesterday far from the head of the parade, challenged the view that the Governor was revealing any preference among the Democratic candidates.
He suggested the Mayor could legally challenge the Comptroller's decision.
The Mayor challenged the Serbian Government to arrest him now, saying that he would no longer hide from authorities and that they knew where to find him.
No Mayor since La Guardia has challenged so many assumptions and created so much controversy.
The Legislature approved the bill over Gov. George E. Pataki's veto, but the Mayor successfully challenged it in court.
When the Council overrode the veto, the Mayor successfully challenged the bill in court on the grounds that it infringed on executive authority.
I would hope," Mr. Jackson said, "that the Mayor would not run again and would really challenge the Justice Department to work out some settlement process.
The Mayor touched every political base, quoted Lincoln - a Cuomo favorite - and challenged New Yorkers to enlist in a war against crime.
Paul A. Crotty, Mr. Koch's campaign manager, said the Mayor would not challenge petitions, either.