New York's Mayor, David Dinkins, isn't claiming any of those; he's living them.
For all the improvements in city life that the Mayor can claim, reinventing local government is not one of them.
The Mayor was once a champion of Rudy Crew, the Schools Chancellor, and claimed to be a close friend.
The former Mayor claims to have extrasensory powers.
"The sum total of this plan is that nothing is changing while the Mayor is claiming victory over the issue," she said.
Both purposes seem equally desirable; neither the Mayor nor the priest can claim the higher moral ground.
The Mayor claimed victory last night in Ozone Park, saying that for years people had said the situation could not be resolved peacefully.
The Mayor claims the development will be worth £6bn to the capital's economy.
Mayors Against Illegal Guns claims an active membership of over 600 mayors.
The Mayor claimed $475 in charitable contributions - $125 of that in cash and $350 for clothes and household goods donated to the Salvation Army.