But she added that the Mayor immediately denounced the comments upon hearing about them from reporters.
A Pataki victory would not only place a man whom the Mayor has denounced as bad for the city in the Governor's Mansion.
The Mayor, a Republican, denounced the report yesterday as partisan sniping intended to diminish his administration's achievements.
In the past the Mayor has denounced such protests and exhorted the protesters to instead study hard and reverse the decline of our schools.
The Mayor denounced bigotry "against anyone, anywhere" and sought to rally the city behind new efforts to combat racial prejudice and violence.
The Mayor and his advisers denounced Mr. Cortines's proposal and last week leveled a series of increasingly personal attacks on the Chancellor.
Yesterday, the Mayor and his aides denounced the ruling and said they would appeal it.
The Mayor regularly denounces Republican initiatives to restrict immigration, and he has backtracked on some of the earlier spending cuts he imposed on the city's school system.
When Mr. Green issued a report on those findings, the Mayor denounced it as a "cheap shot."
The 53-year-old Mayor denounced his "no-name opponents" for running a "negative campaign."