Los Angeles is the only major American city in which the Mayor cannot hire and dismiss the police chief.
The Mayor dismissed his critics as people who "want to throw dirt in my eyes" rather than discuss the merits of development.
Speaking yesterday at the parade, the Mayor dismissed such talk.
The Mayor dismissed the action, saying no one would remember it by next week.
The Mayor impatiently dismisses the very notion that the stroke left a legacy.
Though he is a heavy cigarette smoker, the 66-year-old Mayor dismissed concerns about his health.
In a recent telephone conversation, the Mayor dismissed the assertions as "basically political."
The Mayor dismisses criticism from black officials as both unfair and selfishly motivated.
The Mayor dismissed questions about the budget's assumptions and savings as "silly rhetoric."
But the Mayor dismissed the call, saying the board had not proved evenhanded in its critiques of the city's budgets.