The Mayor has estimated that enacting such laws could save the city as much as $45 million a year.
The Mayor estimates that nearly a third of the workforce makes weapons.
The Mayor estimated the city's legal bills at $375,000.
Last year, the Mayor had estimated that the city could raise $35 million by selling the two stations to a private buyer.
The Mayor estimates that a "couple of hundred people" have moved away since 1992 to try to find work.
Property damage is still being assessed, but the Mayor estimated it at $500 million.
In his statement, the Mayor estimated that the abatement would have cost the city more than $700 million.
The Mayor estimates the program will cost $28 million.
In all, the Mayor estimated that he might have to cut as much as $600 million more from the budget.
The Mayor estimated that the process could take 6 to 12 months.